Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Callie attacking John

This happened awhile ago but it was just too funny not to share. John came home from work one evening and was just sitting on the floor reading the newspaper. Callie came over and just started batting at his leg like it was something evil. She did this for quite awhile and I was able to catch a few seconds of her antics on camera. After awhile though she just laid down and stared at his leg. We never did figure out what it was that she thought was so awful.

To see the video clip just click on the little blue triangle and it will open in a new window. (You may have to click the play button in that window as well. )

Monday, August 29, 2005

John and Callie

Just a few pictures of John and Callie that I wanted to share. Callie and John have been doing this since she was a kitten. They'll just sit by the screen and watch the sprinklers, bugs or whatever else might be out there. These pics were taken back in June 2005.

Did you see that Dad?

Friday, August 26, 2005

Scrapbook Layouts

I've been scrapbooking for just over four years now and it's seriously turned into an addiction. What started out as a small hobby where all my supplies fit into one small bag, has now turned into an obsession that fills an entire room of our house. Here are a few of my favorite layouts:

4th of July 2005 :

Mega Meet:


Halloween 2004


This is Callie. She's a little over two years old and is very spoiled. I adopted her from the Lake Haven Animal Shelter when she was about 7 weeks old. She is my pride and joy. I'm sure there will be many more pictures of her to come.


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