I was tagged by
Lan to list 7 Random facts about myself so here goes:
1. I have 6 toes on my right foot.
2. I can not keep house plants alive no matter how hard I try. Amazingly I have 2 right now that have made it 4 months...has to be a new record.
3. I get very grouchy if I get hungry. People who know me well, know to find food for me when I say I need to eat.
4. I'm a librarian who is very organized at work but can't keep my scrapbook organized no matter how hard I try.
5. I can communicate very basically in Spanish.
6. I am a very passionate car seat technician and instructor. (Yeah MI passing the new Booster seat law!!)
7. I love listening to audiobooks on my Mp3 player. I never listened to them on CD or tape but love them in this format.
I know I'm supposed to tag 7 other people but I think everyone who reads this has already been tagged so this one will stop here. Thanks Lan for tagging me!