Snowed in again. Temps are -25 with wind chill. There is a 100 degree difference between us and our cousins in California. John is just starting to shovel out the driveway. He can't stay out long due to the extreme cold temperatures but he's managed to get a few of the drifts out of the driveway. The State Police have closed different sections of the highway all day. At one point I-96 was closed from here to Muskegon. Over 40 miles! They are advising people to stay home unless it's an emergency. I can't remember when it's been this bad. I've stayed inside all day working on the Police Unity Tour scrapbook which is slowly getting closer to completion. I would help John shovel but I conveniently broke my shovel yesterday. :-)
Pictures from today:
Getting ready to tackle the drifts
The drifts. These are knee high on John. And if you look just above and behind John's car you'll see the very top of our mailbox. That is how high our snow piles are right now and that's before John shovels that part.

Making a little progress.

And a few of John's car which hasn't moved all day. Our winds have been really strong and the snow has frozen in a couple inch overhang off the side of the car.