Lots of good news around our house lately. First, I spent last week in Howell, MI training to become a Child Passenger Safety Instructor. I passed and as soon as the paperwork is completed I will be certified to train new technicians. I had to have a wisdom tooth the morning that I left but other than that the trip went extremely well and the other instructors were very encouraging and lots of fun! The picture is of me teaching on Wednesday and we were discussing proper use of the harnesses.
On the home front, we were thrilled to finally recieve our flooring. Home Depot called Saturday morning and we picked it up that evening. We have to fix a small water leak from the wall were the outdoor hose attachment is and then after that we will lay the floor. John laid out one box and it looks awesome.
And my flowers and garden is flourishing. I have tomoatoes the size of golfballs already. I staked them yesterday. My lillies are looking just wonderful. I can't believe how much they expanded in one year. For those of you who don't know these were given to me from a very dear friend who grows them. And the best news of all is that my allium has finally bloomed after 3 years of trying!! It got really close last year and this year it actually survived and has two blooms. Here are pictures: