Wow!! It's been a long time since I've updated!! John and I have both been really busy! In April we had a wonderful visit from his Uncle Frank and Aunt Sharon. Sadly it was because of the loss of Aunt Sharon's father but we definitely enjoyed seeing them and spending some very memorable time with them. Callie turned 3 on April 25th. We had a small party for her on the 27th but she decided she was a) scared fo the birthday banner and wouldn't go in the living room and b) anti-social and pretty much stayed up stairs the entire time. Silly kitty. It was still a nice time with my parents, John's mom and Randy stopped by when he got out of work.
As far as the basement is concerned, we are making more progress. John has finished putting in all the stairs and it turned out really nice. He still wants to add some trim but they look great and are so much nicer than the old ones. I'll try and update with pictures soon! Also, we took the leap last weekend and ordered our Pergo floors for the main area of the basement. We had picked out the Applewood quite awhile ago, because we loved the color and the grain patterned that it had, but were waiting for Home Depot to run a sale and for us to have the $$ at the same time and it finally happened. We had to special order it but we should have it within the next couple weeks. To see a sample of what it looks like, click
John and I are in the process of finalizing our vacation plans. We are hoping to leave GR to Kenosha WI on July 19. Stay the night there and visit the Jelly Belly factory. On Thursday go to Sheboygan and have some fun there and go to Gibbsville Cheese factory. On Friday we will be heading to my Aunt Genny's house where I hope to do some scrapbooking as well as taking John to see my Grandparents old house, see my uncle Jay and visit the cemetary where my grandparents, cousin and aunt are buried. We'll probably stay there until Sunday and then head back. No plans for the trip back yet, so we are not sure if we are going to go back all in one day or stop 1/2 way. We'll see. We still need to find a few hotels and I need to locate all the local scrapbook stores, but we are at least making progress.
And finally, I have made the decision to go ahead and get my CPS instructorship status through National Safe Kids, which will allow me to train new technicains coming into the field. I spent last week assisting a class and the instructors in that class really encouraged me to do so. I'm very excited but yet a little nervous as well. My paperwork has all been approved and now I just have to teach a 4 day class under another instructor. Looks like I'll be teaching in Howell, MI the week of June 12. Lots of preparation to do for that, but I'm really looking forward to it.